Brujo Chico
3 min readMay 29, 2023

The War Between two Djinn Nations

For centuries, the Marid Djinn and the Ifrit Djinn had coexisted in the world of the supernatural. Both were powerful and feared creatures, and while they had their differences, they respected each other’s strength and prowess. But all of that changed when a group of Marid Djinn decided to wage war against the Ifrit Djinn. The Marid Djinn had always been considered the most dangerous and evil type of Djinn. Proud and arrogant, they saw themselves as superior to other Djinn and resented being forced to do the bidding of humans. They were known to rebel against their masters and cause chaos and destruction wherever they went. The Ifrit Djinn, on the other hand, were also powerful and feared creatures, but they were generally considered to be more rational and level-headed than the Marid Djinn. They lived in a society structured along ancient Arab tribal lines, complete with kings, tribes, and clans. They generally married one another but could also marry humans. They were often considered to be evil, but could also be good. The war between the Marid Djinn and Ifrit Djinn began with a few small skirmishes, but soon escalated into a full-blown war. It was a battle for dominance in the supernatural world, and neither side was willing to back down. The Marid Djinn, with their superior numbers and sheer force of will, were able to gain the upper hand quickly. They launched attacks on the Ifrit Djinn’s tribal homelands, burning their villages and capturing their leaders. The Ifrit Djinn were taken off guard, and before they knew it, they found themselves on the brink of extinction. But the Ifrit Djinn were not ones to give up easily. They rallied their forces and launched a counter-attack against the Marid. The battle was fierce and brutal, with both sides suffering heavy losses. But in the end, the Ifrit Djinn were able to push back the Marid and reclaim control over their territory. The war between the Marid Djinn and Ifrit Djinn had lasted for years, but finally, a peace treaty was negotiated. Both sides agreed to respect each other’s territories and to not interfere with each other’s business. The Ifrit Djinn were pleased with the outcome, but the Marid Djinn were left feeling bitter and resentful. Years would pass, and the peace treaty would hold. But the Marid Djinn never forgot their defeat at the hands of the Ifrit Djinn. They continued to plot and scheme, waiting for the right moment to strike against their rivals once again. And in the back alleys and dark corners of the supernatural world, whispers of a new war between the Marid Djinn and Ifrit Djinn began to circulate. The fate of the supernatural world hung in the balance as the Marid Djinn and Ifrit Djinn prepared for battle once again. It was a war that would be fought with magic and strength, with the fate of both sides hanging in the balance. And as the two sides met on the battlefield, the sky darkened, and the earth trembled, as the Marid Djinn and Ifrit Djinn clashed once again in a battle for dominance that would determine the course of history for generations to come.